Saturday, July 18, 2015

Introductory Classes

Discovering Your True Cosmology (The Time Line)
A history of ideas and how to determine your personal world view. A lecture followed by the opportunity for participants to illuminate and discuss their personal views of how the world works.

Introduction to Energy Work
This didactic and experiential workshop introduces the concept of energy work and gives participants a practical experience of the basics of biofield energy healing.

Self-Care Techniques: A Two-Hour Vacation
This workshop provides participants with a “two-hour getaway” through meditations for chakra cleansing and focusing.

How to choose--and lose--a therapist
A two-hour workshop discussion on how to prepare for and interview a new therapist, what questions to ask, as well as how to know when your therapy is over, and honorable termination with your therapist. Ample time will be given for questions and answers.

Make Your Dreams Work for You
Discover how to interpret your dreams to learn about your strengths and desires, as well as how to have an inner dialog with your subconscious in order to achieve those desires.

All classes meet for two hours.

Psych 101 For Healers

Psychology for Healers

A practical course for those engaged in any type of healing work (acupuncturists, body workers, energy workers, massage therapists, nurses, Reiki practitioners, shamanic counselors). This course is both didactic and experiential. There will be an opportunity for supervision and discussion of practice issues. This will enable practitioners to deal effectively with the clients' emotional content that inevitably arises when doing deep work.

The curriculum is as follows:

  1. Basic psychodynamics
  2. Deep listening
  3. The practice of epochē (self-preparation before client seessions)
  4. Practical skills for dealing with clients who are having strong emotional reactions to the work 
  5. Character Styles and what to expect in healing situations with each character style, with emphasis on practical skills for recognizing and working with each character type
  6. Case supervision
Bring cases that have stymied you, or have left you feeling uncomfortable, for supervision and discussions in the second half of each meeting.

This course will meet once monthly for ten months.

Classes in Shamanism

Workshops in Shamanism

Introduction to Shamanism
“What is shamanism?” A 2-hour introduction to the teachings of the Q’ero of the Andes, the principles of shamanic healing,ways.

Ceremony and Ritual to Reconnect with Nature
Ancient healers were attuned to the changing seasons, changing moon phases, the changing tides. “Civilized” peoples have lost that connection. This workshop introduces four rituals to help reconnect with nature:
  1. Calling the Four Directions
  2. Fire Ceremony—human beings’ most ancient ceremony
  3. The Ritual of the Sun—a meditation to call upon and show respect to Father Sun
  4. Learning to energize and empower the luminous body by utilizing the energy of Father Sun.
Curanderismo and Ribbon Healing
An introduction to the practice of Ribbon Healing including a demonstration and practical instruction on how to utilize this powerful technique for self-care and the caring for others.

Curanderismo and Flower Circle Healing (the Limpia)
This presentation can be done with a physical demonstration in the right setting, or with visual aids—photographs and discussion—if the space is not appropriate for an actual demonstration.

Native Healing Techinques: Journeying
Journeying, that is, entering into an altered state to obtain information not otherwise available to thinking mind, is the basic “tool” in most indigenous healers’ figurative toolbox. This workshop introduces journeying and then teaches participants how to use this powerful tool for themselves, their families, and their community. Included in this workshop are:
  • The Journey to Restore Power. A Journey to the Island of the Power Animals 
  • Journey to Lower World
  • Journey to Upper World
Native Healing Techniques: Advanced Journeying
In this advanced workshop we practice Tracking Possible Destinies—reading another person's possible destiny, looking for clues to any particular issues that person brings to the work.

Living the Way of the Medicine Wheel: a 4-Part Series (each workshop can be a two-hour, four-hour, or entire day presentation which could include a fire ceremony if the facilities permit)
  • Introduction to the Work of the South—Part One The Path of the Wounded Healer. Dancing with the aspects of the South, and shapeshifting.
  • Introduction to the Work of the West—Part Two of the series introduces the Path of the Warrior, Dancing with the Aspects of the West
  • Introduction to the Work of the North—Part Three of the series introduces the Path of Ancient Wisdom, Dancing with the Aspects of the Nort
  • Introduction to the work of the East—Part Four of the series introduces the Path of the Seer, Dancing with the Aspects of the East, and learning methods of divination, including muscle testing, reading a pendulum, and time permitting, reading of leaves, cards and tracking future destinies. Bring a pendulum and your favorite Tarot deck or runes.
Native Healing Techniques: Self Care for the Soul—The Soul Retrieval and Addiction
When a person experiences some deep pain, wounding, or trauma, parts of the soul leave but are not lost. Pachamama, Mother Earth holds these parts deep in her body until we are strong enough to retireve then. Soul retrieval is a way of bringing back these missing parts of the soul, thereby increasing our vitality and wholeness. 

Native Healing Techniques: The Illumination Process
The illumination process is a method by which we cleanse the auric centers. In this workshop, the technique will be explained and demonstrated. There will be time for participants to practice this potent healing technique. 

Native Healing Techniques: Sand Painting (shamanic mandala)
In this workshop the shaman’s use of sand painting is discussed with various methods of creation and interpretation introduced. Space and time permitting, participants will be invited to create their own sand painting relating to a specific issue, which you will then be invited to heal the by changing (healing) the sand painting. 

Native Healing Techniques: Shapeshifting
Based on the work of John Perkins, this experiential workshop introduces the basics of shapeshifting on a personal level, gives participants several opportunities to practice shapeshifting through guided meditations and other visual techniques, and finally expands the conversation to address questions of a global scale.

The Bodhi-Shaman Path

Shamanism, Buddhism, and Meditation
The congruences and differences between Buddhism and shamanism are discussed and practiced with respect to quieting the mind and sitting with one’s own suffering and the suffering of another. Beginning Mindfulness practice.
Shamanism, Buddhism, and Self-care
The benefits of quiet mind, discernment, acceptance, and letting go of desire to enable one to begin to listen to the lessons of the bodyand Nature. Learning to balance work, play, sleep, and nutrition as a part of one’s spiritual life.
Shamanism, Buddhism, and Jungian Dreamwork
The perspectives of the Buddhist, Shamanic, and Jungian Dreamworker/dreamweaver are introduced and discussed. For best results, participants are encouraged to bring a recent dream for a triple interpretation.
The Question of Evil in Jungian Thought, Shamanism and Buddhism
The question of evil has persisted throughout history. In this workshop, the perspectives of the Jungian, Shaman, and Buddhist address this timely topic.

Classes in Jungian Psychology

Jungian Workshops

The Jungian Archetypes and Symbols in Dreams
Participants will be given an introduction to the concept of archetypes, from Jung’s perspective, and a discussion of symbols in dreams. Ways of working with dreams will be demonstrated and symbology for interpreting one’s own dreams will be discussed.

Jungian Dream Interpretation
This introduction to dream interpretation from Jung’s perspective will enable participants to begin to interpret their own dreams through a Jungian lens.

Jungian Symbology and Shamanism
The connection between shamanism and Jungian thought has been made by many scholars. This workshop will introduce participants to the connection between these two world views and invite them to enter the ongoing conversation with reference to their dreams, journeys and meditations.

The Waking Dream
Learn the practical skills of dream journaling, dream re-entry, and illumination in this two-hour workshop. Participants are encouraged to bring a dream to work on in the class.

Jung at Heart: Reading/Inquiry Group

As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. -- C.G. Jung*

"Man has a soul...there is a buried treasure in the field." -- C.G. Jung **

Carl Jung's entire life and career were devoted to the exploration and understanding of the religious function of the psyche. His books and ideas have only just begun to be understood as the radical redreaming of human purpose that he discovered in his lifelong study of myth, religion, culture and individual dreams. His books are not easily understood but if one persists and with helpful others also reading along the rich depths of his psychological explorations begin to reveal. With a goal to this rich unfolding of Jung a bi-monthly reading and inquiry group is forming for all who are interested in reading Jung and Jungian or transpersonal works of a religious/soulful nature which synthesize psychological and mythic material.

Those who are involved in therapy work, counseling, body oriented psychological work, ministerial work, any form of healing work with others or who simply want to continue to grow in their knowledge and understanding of the psyche (greek for "soul") and develop a deeper union and communion with personal and collective psyche which as Jung says, "we are is not just within us," are invited to attend. A major goal of the group will be to understand and begin to integrate Jung's psychological approach personally and practically. All you need to participate in this group is a commitment to growth, understanding and integration of the material read and discussed. If you delight in tackling difficult texts all the better. If you struggle with difficult text but want to "get to the meat of the text" with others all the better, too.

This group will also be a form of supervision for those participants who have some form of practice working with others in a healing capacity. We will work your clinical material as we work with the texts for greater understanding, integration and application in your work.

I will facilitate the reading and discussion also using clinical material from Jung's and others' practices while inviting participants to bring their own clinical material to the group for discussion in regards to the studies at hand.

Dream Group

The dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach. -- C.G. Jung

Each dreamer has a profound connection to deep Psyche-As-Source. C.G. Jung found dreams to be progressive, meaning that they have goal toward ongoing developing consciousness and personal transformation enabling the dreamer to find and cultivate their own connection to self and Psyche. Jung felt that if enough people do their own work this will have a transforming affect upon culture (which is an expression of and transformative vehicle of consciousness). He suggests that our personal work with the Psyche can even transform "God" (and we can discus what he means by that in upcoming sessions).

I will guide dreamwork from a mainly Jungian perspective and will also bring
in other approaches to dreamwork (from gestalt to shamanism) which
may enhance participants' relationships to the dream and that which dreams
us dreaming in and through us. I'll suggest readings which may enhance your
understandingof dreams. Various techniques will be taught which may dream
the dream on into waking consciousness and personal transformation. Themes
emerge for the dreamer to track and work with. Participants will usually discover
that dreamwork awakens, enhances and strengthens intuition which will most
certainly contribute not only to your approach to dreams but to everyday life, as well.

Each participant will have an opportunity to discus their dreams. In each
session we will discus at least 2 dreams of 2 participants with room for discussion,
associations, interpretations, and teaching regarding various theories, techniques
and interactions with regard to dreams. The only requirements for participation are
commitment, curiosity, humor and compassion.

If you haven't already, begin a dream journal. Bring it to class.

Intentional Dialoging

The Intentional Dialogue for Parents and Children

Based on the Imago Intentional Dialogue, this workshop facilitates a new type of communication between parents and children. By mirroring, validating, and empathizing, parents and children are taught to hold the space and listen to the other, rather than simply waiting for their turn to speak. A must for anyone who needs to have a difficult conversation with a parent or child.

The Intentional Dialogue for Couples

Based on the Imago Intentional Dialogue, this workshop facilitates a new type of communication for couples. By mirroring, validating, and empathizing, participants are taught to hold the space and listen to the other, rather than simply waiting for their turn to speak. A must for anyone who needs to have a difficult conversation with a Significant Other.